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Dutch Rov.

Posted: Dec 25th, 2012, 3:00 pm
by fryslan76
Oke I suck at drawing pictures on my pc. So do not laugh to hard.

In reality the two top motors are going to be placed at an angle so the can also cope with lateral forces in the future.

The lamp will be a dive tourch which I have at home (LED lots of light and a long burn time)

Re: Dutch Rov.

Posted: Dec 27th, 2012, 9:44 pm
by bikerbones1968
Step 1. you have a plan :D

There is a ton of great information on here.

Re: Dutch Rov.

Posted: Dec 29th, 2012, 1:24 pm
by fryslan76
Even better my arduino, with 4 servos to act as ESC with brushless motors and a waterproof temprature sensor is on its way from Hongkong to my house. So I can start working on the electronics and connecting it to my PI. Plus I can make some educated guess about the size of all the stuff.

Cannot wait for the mail to arrive.

Re: Dutch Rov.

Posted: Dec 30th, 2012, 12:46 pm
by martinw
Drawing pictures is easy, making ROVs that work well and reliably is a lot harder ;)

I have a pretty picture of my "ROV to be" but that's about it really :(
Martins ROV.jpg
Martins ROV.jpg (99.38 KiB) Viewed 19155 times
Time will tell I suppose ......

Good luck with your build and I'm especially interested to hear how you get on with the PI 8-)


Re: Dutch Rov.

Posted: Jan 3rd, 2013, 6:02 pm
by fryslan76
Well drawing is for me a bigger issue then designing the rest almost ;) going down this road in the begining for the communications between PI and Arduino: ... art-2.html

Still waiting on post :(

Re: Dutch Rov.

Posted: Jan 12th, 2013, 7:49 am
by fryslan76
Wednesday the goodies arrived from Hong Kong, so I have been tinkering a bit after work and managed to get a very basis system working. About every second the Arduino reeds the temperature and writes this to the serial monitor on my laptop. The serial monitor can also send keystrokes to the arduino to control the servo's indepenend of each other. Next task is to run it through the Raspberry Pi and put a small gui in front of it.
All the stuff on the breedboard was needed for the temperature senor, I did not have a 4K7 resistor only 1K and 220 ;) The two servos next to each other represent forward backwards and steering the other two represent the up and down motors.

Re: Dutch Rov.

Posted: Jan 27th, 2013, 4:02 pm
by fryslan76
The gui is taking form, some of the controls are allready working. Going to replace the sliders with a joystick or the mouse.
The log file screen and webcams are mock ups.

Re: Dutch Rov.

Posted: Jan 31st, 2013, 10:24 am
by amarillo_rocket
Looks good. How difficult was it to get the Arduino to communicate with the Rasberry Pi? I have thought about a GUI front end for various monitors like depth, temperature, heading etc.... but have no experience with the Rasberry.

Re: Dutch Rov.

Posted: Jan 31st, 2013, 10:26 am
by amarillo_rocket
Looks good. How difficult was it to get the Arduino to communicate with the Rasberry Pi? I have thought about a GUI front end for various monitors like depth, temperature, heading etc.... but have no experience with the Rasberry.

Re: Dutch Rov.

Posted: Feb 1st, 2013, 10:50 am
by fryslan76
For communication between the PI and Arduino, that is not very difficult. I used the Arduino GUI for linux to upload a program to the Arduino which listens to the serial bus for commands. Sending serial commands through the PI is no problem. See also the link I posted earlier. In the magpi online magazine a updated version is listed and some more details which can be handy.