Stainless steeel VS pvc frame

Waterproof Housing, Frames, and Buoyancy Methods.
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Stainless steeel VS pvc frame

Post by SubSea »

Noticed that most builds in here is PVC.

What are the advantage of pvc without the obvious reson of weight?

Acid - dipped Stainless steel makes a strong deepdive frame that wont give.

And if you want a strong manipulator arm, a more heavy construction makes a more stabile build? wont it? moore thrust power?

What do you think?
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Re: Stainless steeel VS pvc frame

Post by sthone »

I think the main reason most people choose PVC over any other material is... it's cheap and commonly available in most locations.

The other reason is it's easy to work with, You don't need any special tools (like welders) It can be cut with almost any type of saw and it can either be glued or screwed together. Also it's pretty versatile too, if you want to change your design later on you can just cut away pieces and add new sections with couplers, elbows, ect.

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