Complete Control Using Arduino

Control Boards, Controllers, Tethers, Ect.
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Complete Control Using Arduino

Post by AHarris »

Any thoughts about using a complete control system with Arduino?
I understand that it shall take a lot more work but are their any advantages over using Arduino for a complete control system instead of the simpler on and off of a switch?
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Re: Complete Control Using Arduino

Post by tristanplaysguitar »


I'm in the process of figuring this all out as well, and thought I'd give some input. :)
Here are some ideas

Variable Speed
Better Control System (joystick, better tactile response, etc)
GUI (if you can/want)
Less money spent on big switches (ie, heavy switches)
PWM (Can control servos -- I'm thinking Pan/Tilt Camera, Claw with servo assembly, etc)
Easy programming language
Could have very small tether (ie, data and power)

the main pros are better control of your ROV.


Takes more power from your battery if you set it up that way. (Not much at all, but worth mentioning.)
Need either an H-Bridge or other form of motor control (Generates lots of heat)
Need to learn programming
More things to fail

I think the pros outweigh the cons, however depending on your goals it may not be the best choice. I'm still trying to decide...

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Re: Complete Control Using Arduino

Post by AHarris »

Thanks for the input, it has been of great help.
Due to my lack of programming I think I shall finish this project with bits of my old project (such as the switches e.t.c.) whilst learning the code as not to let them go to waste.
I may include bits of Arduino into this such as sensors before I go all out.
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Re: Complete Control Using Arduino

Post by SoakedinVancouver »

That's the way. I purposely chosen a large enclosure for my controller box, so as to be able to have my control scheme evolves with time. The actual (large and costlier) switches will be replaced by small potentiometers, there will be space for an Arduino (or a PIC or...), etc... The H-bridges will be located in the ROV and it will be easy to get rid of the heat, which, by the way, is not so much if you use PWM (mostof the pulse energy goes to the motor, very little is wasted accross the switching electronics).

One step at a time. Less costly when averaged over time.
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