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Newbie intro

Posted: Apr 22nd, 2020, 10:23 am
by medemt
Hello everyone. I am so new to ROVs that I can basically spell it and that's it. I saw a homebuilt ROV about a month ago, and It grabbed a hold of me right away. I have been into RC for years and my back ground is in electronics (old school type). I love to be out on the water whether it's boating fishing, scuba diving, etc. and this just seemed to fit right in. I love technology and learning new tings. I take the time to see what others have done and hopefully make changes to improve if I can (must be the engineer in me). I look forward to learning about building ROV's and also have my sites set on purchasing a commercial device if possible to maybe start an side business of some type. I have some ideas about this that I won't bore you with.

Anyway, thanks in advance to those that will have the patience and desire to help me and others learn from your expertise.

By the way, if there are any members in the Indianapolis area or surrounding counties, I sure would be interested in communicating with you.


Re: Newbie intro

Posted: Apr 22nd, 2020, 6:43 pm
by bigbadbob
Welcome aboard Medemt.
It's pretty quiet on here so nice to see a new face.
I'm an old school electronics eng too but I've thrown myself in at the deep end with learning arduino coding and it's much easier to change a few lines of code than redesign hardware so I'm enjoying it.
I also love being out on the water and my job is looking after AUV's, having moved on from ROV's, so my DIY build is keeping me tethered.
(sorry, bit of an in joke there. ;-))
I'll leave the scuba to you though. hahaha...

Re: Newbie intro

Posted: Apr 23rd, 2020, 8:32 am
by medemt
Thanks bigbadbob for the reply. It does seem a bit quite here. I would think their would be lots of folks looking at this type of, shall we say "endeavor". It fascinates me personally. I am not at all familiar with coding, but have been wanting to get more involved in learning Arduino. It seems to be a big thing in RC these days. Loved the pun by the way. I would be interested in seeing your project, so if you have a build log or site, I really would like to see it.

I sent an email to SThone asking for more info on the Seafox Retrofit. Specifically, the controller on the computer, overall schematics, how the small keyboard was interfaced, etc. Hoping I get more info on this as it really looks nice.

If you or (others) know of a really good ROV that has more info so that someone getting started could follow, I really would be interested.

Thanks again for the reply. Stay healthy and safe!


Re: Newbie intro

Posted: Apr 23rd, 2020, 10:53 am
by fryslan76
Welcome to the forum, it is indeed a bit quiet around here now a days. But still tons of good info available. And still some posts coming through.

Re: Newbie intro

Posted: Apr 23rd, 2020, 1:16 pm
by medemt
Thank you for the welcome.

Yes. I really hope people start to post and be available for answering questions from newbies like myself.

Re: Newbie intro

Posted: Apr 23rd, 2020, 1:30 pm
by bigbadbob
My build log here if you want to wade through ten pages of me waffling for almost ten years that my build has taken to get where it is now. :lol:


Re: Newbie intro

Posted: Apr 23rd, 2020, 3:59 pm
by medemt
I am definitely going to read the entire build. I browsed it and it looks very interesting. It is the kind of posts that can really tell a new guy a lot. Thanks for the sending me the link.


Re: Newbie intro

Posted: Apr 27th, 2020, 7:45 am
by Oddmar
Here is my new design, not started yet. Will be about the size of a large chest freezer. I also have a design for an expandable pontoon boat for a control station. Manipulators have 9-dof. ... one-active
GCS0033.jpg (128.09 KiB) Viewed 6783 times
There is a guy over in Indiana somewhere that is a spelunker. He has built an ROV for exploring caves. His Facebook is... ... tn__=%2Cd-]-h-R

Re: Newbie intro

Posted: Apr 27th, 2020, 9:58 am
by medemt

That thing looks bad A_s. You have got to get that going. I would l really like to see that build. What Cad program do you use?

Also, Thank you for the info on the guy in Indiana. I will look into it.


Re: Newbie intro

Posted: Apr 28th, 2020, 5:44 am
by fryslan76
That will be a big ROV, looking forward to your build thread, your CAD skills are way better than mine. The link to the FB page did not work for me. Could you maybe post his profile name, so we can search for it?