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I just wanted to share a picture.

Posted: Jan 4th, 2020, 10:18 pm
by kendelrio
Hello all! I've been a member here for a while and have been fortunate enough be able to turn a love of all things robotic into a career. This is one evening at work for me.

I've been in the commercial ROV business for about 14 years, have helped my kid build a small one for entertainment purposes and absolutely love seeing all of your work and progress.

Please feel free to hit me up if you have any question, and as long as the answers aren't proprietary, I'll gladly answer them! :shock:

Re: I just wanted to share a picture.

Posted: Jan 22nd, 2020, 9:40 am
by Oddmar
Lucky #^^#&#^# !! LOL :shock:

Nice setup.

You could wear a headtracker, like the FPV guys use, just without the goggles, to control the pan/tilt on the main camera. That way, if something moves to the left, just turn your head to look at it, while keeping your eyes focused on the main screen.

Re: I just wanted to share a picture.

Posted: Jan 23rd, 2020, 5:44 pm
by bigbadbob
Wow you get the modern toys. :)
I used to fly an ancient Ametek Scorpio about 15 years ago and have also flown AMD Quantum and a couple of VideoRays.
And I once sat in the hot seat of LR5 but it was on dry land so doesn't really count. :lol:
Nothing as fancy as your control cabin though.