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You guys need to work harder!!

Posted: Apr 2nd, 2019, 12:34 pm
by Oddmar
All y'all are really coming up short!

How am i supposed to live vicariously through y'all if you don't get anything built?!

Most of you seem to live next to fairly clear water that would be good for ROV missions, while i am currently living in shitwater USA, where the water is so full of algae, pollution and silt you can't see light from a diving light pointed at your face from an arm's length away. So unless i want to navigate by looking at the screen of a $1k sonar unit i'm SOL.

This forum seems to be a well-designed format for ROV enthusiasts, but nobody is posting any new stuff. Believe it or not, i assure you, most of y'all make WAY more money than i do, although i have way more free time...So get BUSY! You don't need to finish college, just drop out (unless they have a really big pool or marine archeology department. And lets be could sneak in to those). Most of the things you are paying them to teach you will be outdated or useless by the time you graduate anyway. Use what's left of that student loan to buy ROV parts. Or at least be able to pay it off sooner...You're still young! Go get an intern job at an underwater salvage company that has some really cool ROV's. They prefer gamers to college graduates anyway, because you are better than the old guys at using an Xbox controller. You'll learn way more working (and have more fun) than you would listening to some opinionated liberal professor drone on about a subject that was outdated before He graduated.

And all you retired guys...WTH? Use some of that retirement money you're raking in to buy parts! You don't need an $80k motor won't use it more than 7 or 8 times anyway...the desert air in Quartzite Arizona in the winter is so dry you'll just get nosebleeds, and none of the locals respect snowbirds, no matter what they say behind those false smiles. Buy the old bag some knitting needles and yarn to keep her occupied, maybe a new vacume cleaner <snicker>, and get to building a really awesome ROV! You'll have tons more fun cruising around the bottom of Lake Mead (it's getting closer every day), or Lake Pleasant Arizona, than you would sweating and swatting mosquitoes in some fishing boat in a Minnesota swamp. Enclose and insulate that old used pontoon boat and use cold lake water pumped from 30-40ft down, through some car radiators with a 12V blower, to air-condition the cabin so you can operate your ROV in comfort. Buy a cheap chinese LED projector and a cheap screen off of Amazon so you can see the scene on the big screen!

You know what Mr. Strickland would say about you?...
"You know what you are, McFly? You're a Slacker!" (smacks you upside the head) "I knew your father, he was a Slacker too! No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley!"

j/k :D

Re: You guys need to work harder!!

Posted: Apr 2nd, 2019, 3:53 pm
by Bennachie
I have a big list of parts in my Hobbyking basket just waiting for the cash to pay for them, and I'm working hard with real, big multi-million dollar ROVs to earn that cash. Life gets in the way sometimes. My ROV project is a hobby, and hobbies have to take second place to more important things.

On the plus side, the pause in my build over the past few months means that my plans have been changed, refined and improved as I've mulled things over and thought of new ideas. In the end I'll have a better ROV because of it.

I get your point though. It's a sleepy forum, but I guess we're a pretty small subset of the world's population.

Re: You guys need to work harder!!

Posted: Apr 25th, 2019, 3:58 pm
by fryslan76
indeed we are all slackers :D only life, work, farm work and rebuilding a house takes a bit of prio to rov building. The big plus I now have my own testing lake also know as fish pond <><

Re: You guys need to work harder!!

Posted: Jun 8th, 2019, 1:59 am
by Lucas
While I'm pretty continuously tinkering with my setup, I've found the biggest barrier is finding time to write stuff up and edit video. In fact, looking back through my thread, nearly all of my project updates have been posted in February as MN is usually still frozen but I'm getting antsy to go dive! I still need to write one to get my thread up to date from the happenings of last summer, maybe a rainy day here soon.

Re: You guys need to work harder!!

Posted: Jun 10th, 2019, 9:13 am
by PhilA
Yep it's winter now here where I am I'm waiting on some more Lipo batteries to arrive and a little bit of tinkering then try and pick a good day and the slack on the high tide and drop her into a 50m hole in the local river. Navionics charts show some nice steep walls which I want to check out. Might still be a few weeks till the batteries turn up though.

Re: You guys need to work harder!!

Posted: Jun 11th, 2019, 8:56 pm
by Ian MacKenzie
PhilA, post some pics and video. I'd like to see that.

Re: You guys need to work harder!!

Posted: Jul 8th, 2019, 6:23 pm
by Ianth3impler
You must live on the east coast.

Re: You guys need to work harder!!

Posted: Jul 9th, 2019, 3:21 pm
by Oddmar
Nope. Currently stuck near Peoria, Ill-Annoys. The first week of August i'll be near Slippery Rock, PA, at the Pennsic War.

Re: You guys need to work harder!!

Posted: Jul 9th, 2019, 3:35 pm
by Ianth3impler
Im in VA looking for someone to build with.

Re: You guys need to work harder!!

Posted: Jul 22nd, 2019, 5:33 am
by PhilA
Planning to drop the ROV down 50m next Tuesday 30th. Batteries haven't showed up, China mail very slow to Australia but will make do with what I've got.
Hopefully weather holds out.
Stay tuned....