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Parametric Thurster Prop - 3D Printed - editable CAD file

Posted: Aug 28th, 2018, 8:14 pm
by ThunderKeep
Hey All, found this in my search for props I could 3D print, Its a Thingiverse design for a prop that has the same thrust FWD or REV, the best part is the designer uploaded the OpenSCAD file so you can edit the diameter, pitch angle, # of Blades etc to your own specs. You will need to download the OpenSCAD program to edit but its free and looks easy enough.

I havent had a chance to print one and try it myself but I have it on the list to do as soon an my motors arrive and I can start planning hubs.

Re: Parametric Thurster Prop - 3D Printed - editable CAD fil

Posted: Aug 29th, 2018, 2:34 pm
by sthone
Pretty cool you'll have to let us know how it works... I'd try it myself but I have way to many projects going already.

Blue Robotics had a 3D printed prop I've been meaning to try too. It doesn't have the same thrust in both directions but it might be worth a try.

-Steve :sting: