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Google Sketchup is being a pain

Posted: Jun 13th, 2017, 10:52 am
by Cabbagehead
After lurking around this forum for over a year, I've finally started to make the first steps towards building the ROV that I've been designing in my head. I decided to use Google Sketchup to do my first simple design to see how it would look and fit together, as well as posting it on here to get the opinion of more experienced builders.

However, simple is not how I would describe this design. I cannot for the life of me get a hole in the large cylinder with the thrusters in it. I've tried every known method recommended on the internet, with no success. I've added a picture just in case anyone can help. I would add the file but .skp files aren't allowed apparently.

Re: Google Sketchup is being a pain

Posted: Jun 14th, 2017, 4:20 pm
by sthone
I've never used Sketchup but if it's like most CAD programs you can try creating an offsetting plane, then draw a sketch on that plane in relation to where you want the holes and then just extrude/remove. (terms might be different on Sketchup)

Something like this maybe.
Offset.jpg (54.23 KiB) Viewed 15213 times
Offset Plane to side + new sketch
Offset2.jpg (55.48 KiB) Viewed 15213 times
Extrude/remove sketch to create hole.

You should be able to post the .skp file you just have to .zip it first.


Re: Google Sketchup is being a pain

Posted: Jun 14th, 2017, 4:54 pm
by Cabbagehead
I've tried doing something along the lines of that, but the issue is that once I've extruded the new cylinder through the old one and intersected the faces, the section of the cylinder that I want to make a hole in can't be separated from the rest of the curved face of the cylinder and so I can't make a hole. The side cylinder is comprised of quite a few groups and components, which may not help.

Apparently, my file is too large, so I may be an idiot who can't compress properly. Anyway, I've added a link to the file: ... 2.skp?dl=0

Re: Google Sketchup is being a pain

Posted: Jun 19th, 2017, 5:05 pm
by Cabbagehead
I've managed to make the holes. It works if you make any holes you want in the side of the cylinder before making the larger cylinder hollow.

Re: Google Sketchup is being a pain

Posted: Feb 13th, 2019, 6:15 am
by nirali31
I am also going with same problems with Sketchup.

Re: Google Sketchup is being a pain

Posted: May 19th, 2019, 11:39 pm
by Evan1
Answering for people viewing this in the future.

There are several ways to do this. I think the easiest would be:
1. Create a cylinder where the hole should be that extends through the surface you are "drilling".
You can do this by first creating a circle tangential to your object at the drill spot, then extruding it out.
2. Right click on this new cylinder's curved surface and "Reverse Face".
3. Right click on the new cylinder's curved surface again and "Intersect with model".
4. Now you can just delete the cylinder and the hole it cut :)

One more note with sketchup- it is designed for modeling houses. It encounters some bugs with small items. Therefore I always model everything 1000X larger. Also make sure to change the model settings for maximum precision.
Good luck.

Re: Google Sketchup is being a pain

Posted: May 19th, 2019, 11:41 pm
by Evan1
Oh yeah, another way to do this would be to create the cylinder like before but then use Bool Tools plugin to "subtract" it from your craft. Installing a plugin is probably overkill for your job though:

Re: Google Sketchup is being a pain

Posted: Jun 23rd, 2020, 7:16 am
by A.R.E.S._R.O.V.
Evan1 Is exactly correct. "Intersect Faces" becomes your favorite function if you are used to parametric modeling, and I also scale everything but only to 100X. Another note is that you can increase the resolution of circles by clicking the center hole spot, and then typing a number and the letter "s". This will change the number of facets from I think 24 to say 100s.

Re: Google Sketchup is being a pain

Posted: Jun 28th, 2020, 10:02 am
by MarcoMota
Hope I am not to late...

Your design is really simple. I would suggest you to change software.
Fusion360 is really simple to use and free for hobbyist if I am not mistaken. You can also make simulations of the structure using this tool.

Good luck <><