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Re: Rov from Norway

Posted: Dec 23rd, 2013, 5:17 am
by RoarRoar
thanks for the site :D but,they dont take paypal,sow i can`t order from they.(I pay only with paypal)

Sow i need to find some Super bright LED's on ebay, i have order some now,to test

Re: Rov from Norway

Posted: Jan 3rd, 2014, 1:29 pm
by jonnyhas
@roarroar, not sure if you have this information but i just happened to come across this, regarding the videoray tether spec. ... ether.html

Re: Rov from Norway

Posted: Jan 19th, 2014, 4:40 pm
by RoarRoar
thanks for the information,jonnyhas

I have now working on the Control Systems (code by njs552) i have add a OSD (On-screen display)
It`s was difficult to get it to work,without any flickering on the screen,

finally we've got it work,no flickering on the screen (thanks to Arduino)

OSD i use,is a Breakout Board for MAX7456 from

I have take a movie of the osd in action,with two Temperature Sensor(1 digital,1 analog) and 1 Curent Sensor,measuring A (amps),text is in Norwegian.

Gir = Gear 1,2,3,4
Kamera = camera 1,2
Lys Av/På = Light on/off
opp = Up
Ned = Down
Forover = Forward
Revers = Reverse
Motor1,2,3 = Engine1,2,3
Tilt = Camera Tilt

I will add a compass and a depth gauge soon,On (
they have use this module,MS5803_14BA depth gauge and MPU-9150 9-axis IMU to compass,i think i will use that to.

Re: Rov from Norway

Posted: Jan 19th, 2014, 6:13 pm
by kenl
Looks great RoarRoar, once I finish debugging my tether, OSD is my next task. I have ordered a custom made board from ebay that has a ATMega328 on it.This is the link Hopefully it will work?

If you are willing I would love to see your code for the OSD side, I have no idea of where to start?

Re: Rov from Norway

Posted: Jan 20th, 2014, 9:10 am
by RoarRoar
To kenl,OSD you have buy,have this Vsync? if you not have access to the Vsync,you will get
flickering on the screen.

Re: Rov from Norway

Posted: Jan 20th, 2014, 10:52 am
by kenl
Hi RoarRoar, thank you for posting your code, it's much too complicated for me to understand yet, but I am slowly learning.

I have no idea if Vsync is available on the OSD I have bought? Is Vsync hardware or software?

I already have screen flicker, and that is part of my current trouble shooting. It could be the ESC's but I am starting to think it is the PS2 or the RS422 interfering with the video, my tether does not have twisted pairs yet so I will see how it is when I get a new cable, always waiting for the post man!!!!!!!
So far I have been using cables surplus from construction work I've done, mostly security and telephone cable.

Re: Rov from Norway

Posted: Jan 20th, 2014, 12:40 pm
by RoarRoar
To kenl
Vsync is a hardware on the osd chip.

The best,is to buy a Breakout Board for MAX7456 On Screen Display from

The MAX7456 works great with arduino Mega 2560,and if you make Custom character is very easy to upoad to MAX7456 Breakout Board,with a arduino code.

Re: Rov from Norway

Posted: Mar 12th, 2014, 6:29 am
by RoarRoar

I have now try the IMU and depth sensor from openrov,depth sensor as also a temperature sensor.

Depth sensor,it`s looks like it is working properly,I have only try it in a bucket with water about 23cm,it shows on the screen 0,23 ( that is 0,23 meters) temperature sensor is working to.

X and Y on the IMU is working properly,The Z axis is not working correct,it`s show only 0 to 180 degrees,need to show 0 to 360 degrees.

I have not found out,how to split up X,Y,Z and show separately on the screen.

The IMU on the openrov pcb is not working anymore,but the MS5803(depth sensor) is working.sow i use now a Breakout board MPU-9150 instead, i have also buy new MS5803 separately,can not have both at the same pcb, you need to seal the MS5803 with epoxy.if you buy openrov pcb, you need also seal IMU with epoxy,that is not a good idea,if something is wrong with the IMU,example a destroyed resistor you can not fix it.Fortunately,I used no epoxy on my openrov pcb,sow i can find out what is wrong with IMU on openrov pcb.

I have also add a 5` LCD screen on the Topside Code,it`s working much better than 16x2 display.

I have take three movie(not sow good quality) of OSD,MPU-9150 and MS5803:

VANNTEMP = water temp

Here is the code and Libraries i use: ... -+2014.rar

Re: Rov from Norway

Posted: Mar 12th, 2014, 8:50 am
by a_shorething
Dude, that is sweet!

I just got that breakout board for the OSD from Sparkfun too so I'm really excited that you were able to get it to work so well.

I really like your display and the work you've done on this, Kudos!

Re: Rov from Norway

Posted: Mar 12th, 2014, 9:28 am
by TigerShark
kenl wrote:Hi RoarRoar, thank you for posting your code, it's much too complicated for me to understand yet, but I am slowly learning.

I have no idea if Vsync is available on the OSD I have bought? Is Vsync hardware or software?

I already have screen flicker, and that is part of my current trouble shooting. It could be the ESC's but I am starting to think it is the PS2 or the RS422 interfering with the video, my tether does not have twisted pairs yet so I will see how it is when I get a new cable, always waiting for the post man!!!!!!!
So far I have been using cables surplus from construction work I've done, mostly security and telephone cable.
I think you are having interference from not using twisted pairs most likely and are you using video baluns? If you do all that and still have problems isolating the camera (and maybe OSD) power source should help. I have my electronics powered separately from my thrusters (as well as the other solutions) and that solved my interference issues.