Resizing your Pictures

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Resizing your Pictures

Post by admin »

howtoresize0.jpg (45.69 KiB) Viewed 14124 times
Ok, so you tried to add a picture to your post and it wouldn't upload, chances are you saw this error (shown above), which means the file size of the picture you were trying to upload was bigger than the 500 KB limit. Most of the time just resizing your picture so it's a little smaller will shrink the file size enough.
howtoresize1.jpg (71.68 KiB) Viewed 14124 times
The first thing you need to do is check how big your picture is. Open the directory/folder on your computer where the picture is stored and (1) click on the picture, (2) scroll down left bar until you can see the Details window, This will show you how big (in pixels) and the file size.(3) In this case my picture is 3648 x 2736 and 2.49 MB (which is about 5 times bigger than allowed).
howtoresize2.jpg (73.69 KiB) Viewed 14124 times
If you don't have a photo program that you can use to resize the image you can use Window Paint, which is ussually found under your Start Menu, All Programs, then Accessories. Open the picture in Paint, which will be so larger it probably won't fit on the screen. Click the Image Tab on the top bar, then Stretch/Skew option.
howtoresize3.jpg (72.52 KiB) Viewed 14124 times
The Stretch field is what we will be working with. To shrink the image you will be changing both the Horizontal and Vertical numbers to a smaller value. (do both at the same time) I like to size my pictures to around 1200px (max) at their longest side. You can either do this with a little trial and error or figure out the percentage first. I know my picture is 3648px wide so I need to shrink it at least 65% to get it around my goal of 1200px. To do this I need to enter in 35% in both fields and then click OK.
howtoresize4.jpg (71.06 KiB) Viewed 14124 times
To check the size you can use the Attributes feature under the same Image tab above. You can see now that I'm down to 1277px wide. (which is close enough) If you need to shrink it more go back to the Stretch/Skew option do not change anything under Attributes. If you went to far for your liking just hit Ctrl Z to undo what you just did and start over. When you are done just save your picture (or "save as" if you don't want to over wright the original image)
howtoresize5.jpg (67.11 KiB) Viewed 14124 times
Now if you go back to your folder you can see the the Size is smaller and the picture should now be small enough to upload.
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Re: Resizing your Pictures

Post by admin »

Rov.jpg (145.81 KiB) Viewed 14122 times
This would be the resized image, the image is still 1277 px wide but automatically resized by the forum to fit onscreen. To view full screen just click the image and it will will open in a new window where you can view full screen. (You may have to click it again to zoom in on that image in the new window depending on your browser and settings.)
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Re: Resizing your Pictures

Post by Atle.norway »

Have an ipad .tried to resize picture by 70% still wont work.will try to send picture to a friend wiht regular pc and see if i can post pictures from there
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