Temperature, Gps, compass

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Temperature, Gps, compass

Post by iconicvyper »


I was wondering how I could get temperature, compass, and gps data to the surface. My tether will be a cat5 cable and for controls ran through this https://www.vellemanstore.com/en/vellem ... ontrol-kit. So there will be 2 sets a wires left after video feed.
I want the data to be shown on a lcd display so I figure I would need an arduino. How can I get the data from multiple instruments to the surface via 4 wires.

Also side question is there anyway to measure microplastic live? Probably not right?
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Re: Temperature, Gps, compass

Post by asesorplaza1 »

Buenas tardes
Nunca había visto una pregunta tan sumamente difícil en tan pocas líneas, tus preguntas necesitan unas respuestas muy extensas, voy a intentar responder a alguna de ellas.
Permíteme que te diga, que te queda muchísimo trabajo y horas de investigación a cerca del funcionamiento del GPS, y del ROV.
Realmente no sé cómo funciona tu controlador Velleman, pero creo que lo que hace es transmitir los impulsos mecánicamente desde una placa a otra, y así activar el canal correspondiente, y eso no tiene nada que ver con el funcionamiento de Arduino, por lo tanto, no sé hasta qué punto serán compatibles, y en la pagina que has puesto, tampoco lo aclara.
Tampoco aclara como se programa o controla, no veo ningún puerto para conectarlo al ordenador, ya sea PC, o Mac, por lo que he podido leer, se controla con interruptores, por lo que su control es mecánico / analógico y no digital. Y el control de Arduino es completamente DIGITAL.
Parece que SI se pude controlar con Arduino, siempre y cuando, utilices los puertos de salida del Arduino a modo de interruptores ALTO encendido, BAJO apagado, pero considero que es bastante difícil de programar, deberías configurar el programa de acuerdo a los diez canales de los que dispone el controlador Velleman, no es imposible, pero sí bastante difícil.

Para poder leer la temperatura de un sensor, la brújula y los datos del GPS, de una manera eficaz, deberías usar un Arduino, teniendo en cuenta que el GPS, NO funciona debajo del agua, porque la señal rebota en la superficie del agua y no la atraviesa, por lo que a los pocos centímetros de profundidad, perderás la señal del GPS, volviéndolo completamente inútil, cuando esté debajo del agua.
Para lo único que te puede servir el GPS, es para obtener un punto de referencia de inicio de la ruta del ROV, mientras que este en la superficie, y si combinas los datos de posicionamiento inicial dados por el GPS, con los movimientos leídos por el giroscopio, puedes calcular la ruta y posición del ROV debajo del agua, pero complicas en exceso el sistema de posicionamiento.
Para los datos de brújula y temperatura, puedes utilizar el giroscopio para Arduino GI-MPU-6050, un giroscopio relativamente fácil de programar y de controlar con Arduino, que a demás te da la temperatura del ambiente del giroscopio, te serviría para obtener la temperatura de dentro del compartimento estanco del ROV, o “the hull to the ROV”, pero no de la temperatura del agua exterior.
Si lees este enlace, que es el de mi proyecto que aun esta sin terminar, tengo publicado unos programas para Arduino, donde utilizo este giroscopio y me da los datos de los 3 ejes inerciales y la temperatura interior del ROV. (Última publicación de la página 13)


Además de otras muchas cosas más, te aconsejo que lo leas desde el principio, para que sepas de qué estoy hablando.
Aun tengo problemas de comunicación, pero hasta la página 14, estoy usando dos Arduinos para controlar el ROV.
Para poder utilizar el cable CAT5, para transmitir datos de un Arduino a otro, y poder transmitir el video, te aconsejo que leas este enlace, donde explican cómo conectar los pares de cables, para utilizarlos como LAN y RDSI.


Que es como se llama lo que tú quieres hacer.

Lo de “medir la vida micro plástica”, lo dejamos para otro día.

Un saludo.

Good afternoon
I've never seen such a very difficult question in such a few lines, your questions need very extensive answers, I'm going to try to answer some of them.
Let me tell you, you have a lot of work and hours of research near the operation of GPS, and ROV.
I don't really know how your Velleman controller works, but I think what it does is transmit the impulses mechanically from one board to another, and thus activate the corresponding channel, and that has nothing to do with the operation of Arduino, therefore, I do not know how compatible they will be, and on the page you have put, it does not clarify it either.
Nor does it clarify how it is programmed or controlled, I do not see any port to connect it to the computer, be it PC, or Mac, so I have been able to read, it is controlled with switches, so its control is mechanical / analog and non-digital. And the control of Arduino is completely DIGITAL.
It seems hat IF you can control with Arduino, as long as, you use the Arduino output ports as HIGH switches on, LOW off, but I think it is quite difficult to program, you should configure the program according to the ten channels that the Velleman controller has, it is not impossible, but quite difficult.
In order to read the temperature of a sensor, the compass and GPS data, in an effective way, you should use an Arduino, taking into account that the GPS, DOES NOT work under water, because the signal bounces off the surface of the water and does not pass through it, so within a few centimeters deep, you will lose the GPS signal, making it completely useless, when it is under water.
The only thing that GPS can serve you, is to get a starting reference point of the ROV route, while it is on the surface, and if you combine the initial positioning data given by the GPS, with the movements read by the gyroscope, you can calculate the route and position of the ROV underwater, but it overcomplicates the positioning system.
For compass and temperature data, you can use the gyroscope for Arduino GI-MPU-6050, a relatively easy gyroscope to program and control with Arduino, which otherwise gives you the temperature of the gyroscope environment, would serve you to get the temperature inside the ROV's water-tight compartment, or "the hull to the ROV", but not the outdoor water temperature.
If you read this link, which is that of my project that is still unfinished, I have published some programs for Arduino, where I use this gyroscope and gives me the data of the 3 inertial axes and the interior temperature of the ROV. (Last published on page 13)


In addition to many other things, I advise you to read it from the beginning, so you know what I'm talking about.
I still have communication problems, but until page 14, I'm using two Arduinos to control the ROV.
To be able to use the CAT5 cable, to transmit data from one Arduino to another, and to be able to transmit the video, I advise you to read this link, where they explain how to connect the pairs of cables, to use them as LAN and ISDN.


Which is what you want to do.

The "measure of micro plastic life" thing, we leave it for another day.

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Re: Temperature, Gps, compass

Post by Oddmar »

For a long-range, high bandwidth ethernet link to the surface, i recently purchased 2 pairs of these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L6X94XS

That should give me the same connection as using BlueRobotics Fathom X boards, but at a cost of $52, instead of $180.

I only learned of micro-plastic pollution today, but perhaps you could strain water through some kind of sieve?

For temperature, compass heading, pitch, roll, and depth, you could always put a thermometer, an oil-filled ball compass, and a diving depth guage in view of the camera. I've seen it done before.
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Re: Temperature, Gps, compass

Post by iconicvyper »

I am now looking into ardusub witch should make it easier. Thank you
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Re: Temperature, Gps, compass

Post by Reisen »

Use a Drone FC board like a Mateksys F722-SE and use its UARTs and I2Cs to put all the gear and sensors you want.
My ROV have compass, baro, humidity sensor, IMU, voltage sensor, ammeter and 2 UARTs left.
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