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Posted: Jun 21st, 2011, 10:34 am
by PaulC
Need help with hydrophone... Can anyone answer me as to how to solder to the ceramic disk on a piezo disk? My solder job keeps coming loose.

Re: Hydrophone

Posted: Jun 21st, 2011, 5:44 pm
by lostcaggy
If I remember correctly you scrape away some of the white coating and you also need a special lo temp solder

Re: Hydrophone

Posted: Jun 22nd, 2011, 2:31 am
by SoakedinVancouver
Check around for solar cell soldering flux, it might help.

I remember reading in a very old Popular Mechanic (not that I am very old, I just like reading the old stuff) the following trick: On a wheel (like, a sharpening stone wheel), you grind some solder. Then from the same wheel, you barely touch the material you want to solder to, transferring, via friction, the solder from the wheel to the , in your case, ceramic. They stated it worked for glass as well. I presume a low temperature solder would be great for that trick. And use flux as well. I REALLY love that solar cell flux, 'comes in a pen. Read the instructions, it's drippy.

Re: Hydrophone

Posted: Jul 31st, 2011, 6:18 am
by PaulC
Will do thanks for the info.