Failed Arduino code - setup?

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Failed Arduino code - setup?

Post by Travis »

I am new to ROV's, this past summer I built one for the first time. However, I have struggled to actually get it deployed as the code and controls have failed me. I made the mistake of paying someone on to code the Arduino and provide schematics for me to get this up and running. They did great work, or what seemed to be great work until it came time to troubleshoot the problems. (they promised to help troubleshoot and insisted I hooked something up incorrectly for the 10th time, and just went rouge) I built this ROV before summer last year and have yet to get controls working, so I am in dire need of some assistance. I attached the "Functionality" word file below, this is the exact document I sent to the person coding this for me. It shows everything in decent detail as to what I want to achieve control-wise. I am not really sure where to begin with this or if I should just completely scrap that idea and implement a completely new system using Arduino.

Also, I have a 12v sealed battery onboard the ROV, and not at the control box. Not sure how the potentiometer thing would work over distance, planned on 100 feet or just over slightly. Thanks.

I have ventured off into trying to write my own code etc. however, I have came up short. My question is, I found this PDF guide on how to set up motor control, both directions and speed using a potentiometer. It uses the Arduino and motor drivers that I have. (BTS7960 High Current 43A H-Bridge Motor Driver). My question is how could I expand this to add 3 total motors with the same exact control? (I know it would probably be very odd and or awkward to have 3 potentiometers, but I like how precise it controls the speed and direction of one.) I have tried adding on my own but either none of the motors work after doing so, or they behave strangely. Any advice, tips, tricks would be extremely helpful. Any more info you might need please let me know, I have the schematics they sent over and lots more files just did not want to bombard if not necessary. Thanks. ... Driver.pdf
Couldn't upload .docx file type so screenshotted it.
Couldn't upload .docx file type so screenshotted it.
Rov functions1.JPG (95.69 KiB) Viewed 6440 times
Couldn't upload .docx file type so screenshotted it.
Couldn't upload .docx file type so screenshotted it.
Features.JPG (57.79 KiB) Viewed 6440 times
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Re: Failed Arduino code - setup?

Post by fryslan76 »

Is the raspberry top side or in the ROV? How is your thether setup to the shore?
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Re: Failed Arduino code - setup?

Post by bigbadbob »

ok... so.. lets see if we can rule out the obvious problems first.
Motors, 3.
what kind of motors? brushed or brushless? are they sealed or exposed to water? does the ROV work on the bench?

motor controllers 3. H bridge. so I'm assuming your motors are brushed.
Are these designed to match your motors? how are the controllers driven? 0-5v? pwm? how are the controllers programmed? do they have a soft start and over current/over temperature protection?

12v Battery in the ROV. so what powers your controller?

you mention Arduino and raspberry pi. What is where? how do they talk to each other? Do they talk to each other.

if you post up the schematics it will be easier to help.
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