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Adafruit Ultimate GPS Logger

Posted: Aug 14th, 2014, 1:49 am
by KR2_Diving
So I went and did a weird thing! I put a GPS module on my ROV.
Why you might ask!?

The short answer, I like a challenge!

The real answer, the clock is more accurate then any budget RTC, and I plan on doing a lot of data logging with my ROV. I will have the GPS module mounted in my surface control station, so I will actually know MY position, maybe not my ROV...

I will then share the clock data between the control station and the ROV for data logging.

The Adafruit Ultimate GPS logger works pretty slick! There are plenty of example online how to use the data, and I had it up an running in no time! The shield has the advantage of having a "Direct" mode, which bypasses the Arduino, only using the USB-Serial converter on the Arduino.

Unfortunately, the SoftSerial pins the shield uses (7,8) do not line up with the open pins on my LCD display shield (2,3), so I had to do a bit of wiring... but the final rendition will have a hardwired solution (I hope).

Re: Adafruit Ultimate GPS Logger

Posted: Aug 18th, 2014, 10:33 am
by a_shorething
That's a great idea! I love Adafruit stuff too. (and seriously, how far can your ROV be from your boat or shore launch, right?)

Re: Adafruit Ultimate GPS Logger

Posted: Aug 21st, 2014, 3:19 pm
by KR2_Diving
I have been playing some more with the GPS, and have found it to be very quick... and even with just an extension cable (no actual antenna), the receptions is pretty good!

I added another part to my kit today, again from Adafruit. It is a 12 wire slip ring that I will be integrating into my tether / topside control station. This will allow me to better manage my tether. No word yet on quality of the signal through the slip ring, but the reviews seem positive!

Here is the slip ring:
Slip Ring from Adafruit. $25.00!
Slip Ring from Adafruit. $25.00!
1196-00.jpg (159.04 KiB) Viewed 4137 times

My original plan was to fabricate something similar to what Steve has posted on his site here:
However, after looking into the materials and labor, (and the fact I dont have a shed full of nifty toys, i mean tools...) I thought for $25 I'd give this thing a shot! I will keep you all posted!

Re: Adafruit Ultimate GPS Logger

Posted: Sep 1st, 2014, 9:08 am
by a_shorething
I had the same idea! I'm using the Adafruit slip ring on my setup as well (or at least I plan to when I get the damned thing built!) :)
Good luck and keep us posted on the logger stuff.

Re: Adafruit Ultimate GPS Logger

Posted: Sep 6th, 2014, 5:47 pm
by MNDeepROV
Hey guys, Fantastic find on the slip ring! I'll be curious to know how it works out for you. At $25 I'll may soon be buying one soon to test myself!

I had just seen Steve Thone's slip ring design...very ingenious design!