Greetings from Croatia

Newbies say hello and introduce yourself.
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Joined: Oct 13th, 2013, 3:17 pm

Greetings from Croatia

Post by Arch_Stanton »

Hello good people,

I like to tinker, and make stuff, so eventually I got interested in making a ROV.

Allthough I found some information about homebuilt ROV's years before, while searching for info for other projects, I actively decided to go for it just a couple of months ago after a unexpected chain of events.

A friend of mine got a DIY community website going, which I become a active member of. He eventually started a talk about aquaponics, a concept I had no idea about at the time, but surely enough, I built my first grow bed the same day. As you need fish for aquaponics, I started scavanging fishing equipement(I barely ever fished before), and finding places to fish. After having some mixed success in the local streams, I found out that a gravel pit a couple minutes from the place I live is a gold mine for easy to catch prussian carps :D . After some talk with the fishers on the site, I learned that the pit is really deep(up to 60 meters), and holds some monster sized fish. I also heard some urban legends about the place. The explorer impulse kicked in, and the ROV concept started to form up.

Fortunately, Steves web page, and this forum are a well of great information. But I still have some dilemmas that need to be resolved, and here I am now, looking foward to learning new stuff, and shareing my knowledge and experiences with all of you.
Posts: 49
Joined: Jun 1st, 2011, 4:05 am

Re: Greetings from Croatia

Post by gumma »

Pozdrav i tebi prijatelju, nadam se da ćeš pronaći tu živinu :) !
Posts: 3
Joined: Oct 13th, 2013, 3:17 pm

Re: Greetings from Croatia

Post by Arch_Stanton »

Hvala, doć će i to vrijeme, ali za sad je projekt stavljen sa strane, naočigled moje neaktivnosti na ovom forumu :).

Trenutno završavam platformu za 'zemljanog' rovera, ali skupljam komponente za podvodnog pomalo. Imam par projekata koji su viši na listi prioriteta, ali očekujem da bi do kraja sljedeće godine mogo ROV progurat.

U međuvremenu, vidim da je tvoj ROV u završnim fazama, čestitam, izgleda odlično.

Pročekiraj, nadam se da će ti se svidjeti koncept i sadržaj, i da ćeš naći vremena da se ulogiraš i daš svoj doprinos ako nadješ vremena. I mi smo dosta neaktivni što se tiče uploadanja postali, ali kad bi više ljudi doprinjelo, to bi i nama bio velik poticaj.

Ovo je link na projekt na forumu: ... -ronilica/
Posts: 49
Joined: Jun 1st, 2011, 4:05 am

Re: Greetings from Croatia

Post by gumma »

Pogledat ću link, hvala na komplimentima. ROV je pri kraju, imao sam neke probleme sa senzorima pa ih mijenjam i postavit ću deblji kabel da bude robusnije i da mogu jednog dana prijeći na ethernet komunikaciju. Kad bude promjena objavit ću sve, pnemam baš vremena za rad.
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