How to post your pictures from your hard drive (perfered)

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How to post your pictures from your hard drive (perfered)

Post by admin »

There are some limits to posting pictures ... You can only attach up to 10 pictures per post, (if you need more than that, add 10 in one post, then submit that post and continue in a reply) pictures can only be a maximum of 500 KB each (if your pictures are larger than that resizing them smaller will usually shrink the file size too, see other tutorial for resizing) Pictures will automatically be resize to around 600px in the post but they can still be viewed full size in a new window by clicking on them. (If you place your mouse pointer over a picture and it changes to a finger it means that picture is larger and can be viewed full size in another window.)

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You can start to type your post in the main window and then when your ready to place a picture, scroll down to where it says Upload attachment and click the Browse... button.
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A new window will pop up on your computer asking you the location where the picture is on your hard drive. Find the directory/folder where your pictures are stored on your computer and then (1) click the picture (it might just show as a filename on your computer though), next (2) click the Open button
howtopic3.jpg (29.51 KiB) Viewed 11942 times
The Path where your picture is located should now be displayed in the filename box next to the browse button. Now just click the Add the file Button.
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After the upload window disappears you should now see the filename for your picture listed on the Attachments: window (1), next click back on the main window to place your blinking cursor on the line where you would like the image to be placed (2), finally just click the Place inline button (3)
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This will add the attachment code to your post. You can then continue to type your post below that line.

Your post when submitted will look like just like the reply (next post) to this message.
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To add multiple pictures you can either add them one at a time (i.e.- type a little first, then add a picture as described above, then type a little more and add another) or you can just add all of the pictures first before typing your message by following the same steps above but not placing them inline until you are done uploading them all. After that you can start your post and then just select which picture from the Attachments window you would like to insert.

If you do add them all before typing your post and forget to insert one of them inline the picture will show up as an attachment at the end of your post. If this happens you can just go back and insert it or you can scroll down and just hit the delete button next to which ever picture you no longer need. Also depending on the size of the pictures you uploaded they may look huge when you use the Preview button but they will be resized to fit after you hit the Submit button.
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Re: How to post your pictures from your hard drive.

Post by admin »

(This is what the above tutorial post would look like, minus this line of course)

This is a picture of my Seafox Retrofit Rov.
seafoxretrofit.jpg (177 KiB) Viewed 11941 times
You can then continue to type your post and continue to add more pictures on the same way.
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Re: How to post your pictures from your hard drive.

Post by admin »

howtopic6.jpg (37.74 KiB) Viewed 11939 times
You can also use the File comment box to type comments about the pictures you are posting but I like the cleaner look of just typing under (or over) the pictures after they have been placed inline. But I'll let you make up you own minds.
This is what comments typed into the File comments box look like.
This is what comments typed into the File comments box look like.
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Re: How to post your pictures from your hard drive. (perfer

Post by admin »

If still you have any problems or questions about posting pictures just reply to this message I will try to help.
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